There’s no better time than now to get started. These simple, yet life changing resources can help you kick start and accelerate you’re establishing your happiness and success foundations.

Money in Money Out Spreadsheet

Do you know where your money is going? This simple yet powerful spreadsheet will you visualise where all of your money is going, how much you can spend on fun, how much you can invest and where there might be opportunities to make some small, hard decisions to set you up for the future.

Calorie Tracker

Do you know what your calorie budget is, do you know what macros are and if you’re hitting the right ones? Do you have a hope blinker around what and how much you eat but want to be healthy and look good? This Calorie tracker will help you answer all of these questions and arm you with the education to hit your healthy weight and understand food for the rest of your life. It’ll only take you 2 weeks so get started now.

Macro Charts

Struggling to hit your Macros – Protein, Fat, and Carbs? These macro charts will give you simple options to build healthy meals to hit your macro target with enough options to keep it fun and interesting. Kindly provided by a good friend who started my nutrition journey

Visualize Time

Are you a perpetual optimist like me and always try to fit more than possible in because you have a warped sense of time. Do you do nothing with your time or are continually forgetting when to do stuff. Do you make excuses that you don’t have enough time! Pull back the covers on how much time you really have and ensure you are building a healthy tension between fun, productive, and smashing your goals using this simple spread sheet.

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